That is so LOW!

So Today I found out that my fifteen year old friend!
Was going out with my little twelve year old sister!
Like that is so low. The the Eff is wrong with that dude?
Has he lost his mind.
It all happened today
When my teacher waned to know what we wanted to be when we grow up.
So I said "A Photographer"
My other friend thought i said "pornagraphy."
I Corrected him.
And then he said, Photograph Your friend and your sister?
I Didn't know what he meant for a second.
I forgot about it until after school.
When I got off the bus.
I walked into the house.
Went in my room
my sister came and followed me
thought she wanted to be a pest like always.
she came up to me that she was going out with him!
like how shallow that is.
I went online to ask if it was true.
He admitted!
Someone like that is so discusting than a hobo!
Most worst thing I've ever heard so far.
I don't know what's happening next.
Should I Make Him dump my sister
or let them stay together?
Obviously i dont really know!
January 30th, 2009 at 05:34am