Tv shows and such [Skins and Shameless]

Okay so I've noticed recently that I've only been really watching British television shows...why are they so much better then Canadian and American, except for Degrassi. Manly only two though, Shameless and Skins.

For some reason I just wanted to talk about them and I don't know why. (Contains some spoilers)


Its pretty much the only show that can make me pee myself laughing and then bawl like a little baby. Breaking up scenes are the worst though especially Kash and Ian, I don't know if anyone watches this show on here but if you do...was I the only one that like started bawling the second Ian stepped into the store, because you pretty much knew what was gonna happen. Mandy and Lip made my eyes all watery and when Lip started to cry and asked about Katie I was like "Mandy don't do it...what about Katie?"
Mickey is to hilarious when he asks Ian to go away with him even though they only slept together once.

Not gonna talk about the old ones because it makes me miss Maxxie, Chris, Cassie, Sid, Tony, Anwar, Jal,Michelle,Tony so much.
Did anyone see yesterdays episode, why is Cook so crazy? who laughs during that and then totally snaps on one of their best friends...poor JJ<3
and when Cook said that he loved Freddie was I the only one going "In which way?"
Is it me or does anyone else think that Cook might love Freddie in a none best friend way or is it wishful thinking?

So what are your guys favorite shows?
January 30th, 2009 at 09:56am