Hes' Perfect! :O

Okay I Have a Friend Named Darryl. He was my friend for awhile now. So He knows that I like him and he admitted he liked me too. But that was awhile back ago. I was chatting to him just awhile ago. we started having a random conversation. We started talking bout what we like. It turns out that we both like the same stuff and hate the same stuff. This is the first time we ever had a convo like this. How weird is that? I started to have a feeling, a weird tingle that came through me. I wondered that was. He is so perfect. I was starting to think that i like him. I thought aboutthe positive thing. The negative thing was he had a girlfriend, and I didn't know if he still feeled the same about me. Will I ever know? I think Iwoul ave to find out.
January 31st, 2009 at 04:43am