Confessions of the Hurt

People say that clicks are wrong , but they are so much involved in it themselves. It's all talk that they want to be united . It's a joke when they pick together at one person. They say they are friends and yet they can't except that one doesn't like something they do making that person the butt of their jokes. All in good fun that's what they'll tell you. They'll smile to your face and talk behind your back. Their like the plastic almost cold and uncaring. You can be a good friend, but where are they when you need the friend to support you. Nowhere is where they are. They don't care that they hurt you, but they wait for you be okay with them. You see them everywhere, and you can't be unkind. You'll forgive them sooner rather than later, but it will never be okay. It will never be the same like it was. The distance will grow between you like weeds. Time will come and go like the seasons, but something will always be left behind to remind you everyday. Life goes on as it ever has time healing your wounds from the ones you held dear. No longer will there be the urge to go out of your way, and there won't be the guilty. They pushed once too many times and now fondness is just a memory you'd like to forget like the changing wind. The tears don't come not for them cause you've learned better. Trappings of tears and heartache is something you can't do not anymore for some else took those tears before it was their time to fall. Tears ripped from you heart by the one who took all they could from you for she too was like plastic. To the outside she was everything she wasn't in real life fooling most. One day you will laugh, cry, and always wonder why in the still of the night.
January 31st, 2009 at 09:04pm