
So, I know I'm supposed to be all TADA! Welcome To Me!!! and such, but I'm not in the mood right now. Um, right, ramblings. This is my first entry, and I just read the memo. Well, I write silly spam quite often, so I guess I can't do that. Hmm, what to write, what to write. Oh! I'm listening to American Idiot right now, perhaps that is of some importance? It's almost over, I don't even know why it's still on my (ahem dads) iPod. I stole his you see, because it is much nicer than mine and can play movies. So I put all of my junk on it and now its awesome. Ok, so the song changed. I am now listening to Coffeeshop Soundtrack by All Time Low. If you have never heard of them, I suggest you search them up immediately. They are now one of my favourite bands because they are just completely amazing. Er...I don't know what else to write. My mind is kind of in 'weekend mode' right now, and I don't really want to think. So, that ends this then...um...bye?
February 1st, 2009 at 12:42am