I like my best guy friend, what do I do?

No this isn't asking you what I should do. Well I dunno maybe it is, if you want to give me advice...

I see this topic a lot. Help me I like my best guy friend! What do I do?!? Honestly, I can't tell you what to do. What I can say is that, are you sure you like him? I mean you spend a lot of time together and he's a nice guy isn't he? So you're use to him being sweet to you because you are friends he cares about you. Think about it, you like him because he cares abut you. Why else do you like him?
Would this guy drive you home and pull over if you break out into tears?
Would he come over after work because you're upset?
Does he text you for homework help even though he knows other people in the class that would help him? (you're not in the same period as he is)
Does he get annoyed when you let him go first through a door when he insist you go before him?
Does he feel bad when you offer to pay for lunch because he doesn't have enough money?
Do your friends ask you what you two are going to be doing over break/weekend?
Does he look at you while he's driving and you're talking?
Does he let you choose which way to go when you guys are driving places? (like there are many ways to go home from wherever)
When you make fun of him does he get upset?
When you hit something (his car or his trumpet) of his on accident do you say "I'm sorry" over and over again until he's not mad anymore?
When you look at him do you automatically smile and say the first thing to come to mind?
Do you have the urge to kiss him on the cheek good bye? (but you never do)
Does he do a double take? Meaning when you say something really crazy he has to look at you again to see if you're serious.
Do you think about him randomly throughout the day?
Do you just him around all the time?
Do you get annoyed with him?

Do you like your best guy friend or just like that he's nice to you?
It's hard to tell isn't it?
February 1st, 2009 at 03:12am