LALALALALALA...i'm singing. Durrr.

Ello. I want to start writing a McFly fan-fic. Give me ideas people! I haven't even chosen the names or anything. The only thing I know is that I want to put McFly in it. xP
Well, now that's covered. I have nothing better to do, so I'm going to keep writing in here and not go and watch the hockey game with the Parentals.
Want to know something funny? Probably not. Weeelll, I'm gonna tell you anyways. So at my school, I'm in this thing called the Leader's Program. No, I'm not some super smart person. I don't even know why I was accepted. Anyways, the Peer Counselors came to our Drama class, and taught the lesson. It was about cyber-bullying. They were all like 'The Dangers Of The Internetz OMG' and shtuff. Ok, so that wasn't funny. You know what is? That my Social teacher talks about very rude topics in class, if you know what I mean. Because we are studying some book right now, and the topics keep showing up. The other thing I thought I should put is, for Science class, two of my friends and I made a video for our project on cells. We used my punching bag as the cell, and made the Jonas Brothers invade it. The disease was called OJBD, ever heard of it? Anyways, we earned many laughs from the class by making fun of the Jonas Brothers, and got full marks on the project. Pretty epic huh?
February 1st, 2009 at 06:57am