Anti-Twilight Club Members list


Sophie (MassRomatic19)
(el Presidente of HATE)
Blue Queen
(Vice President and Secretary of Book/DVD Burning)
Katie (KissTheStarsWithMe)
(Ambassador of The Novel, Disbander of Team Edward / Jacob / Mike / Quil / Jasper / Javier(might not exist) / WHOEVER THE HELL ELSE)
Jory (wahhBAMM)
(Head of the Public Speakers Against The Raging Stupidity Department)
Joey (arwen103)
(Press Secretary/Advertiser of Club to the World/Knocks the senses back in to the Minds of confused girls who fell for the ill charm of the enemy...AWESOME)
Jessica (Kablam)
( Fan Girl Harasser/ Head of Picket Making and Protesting Outside of Anywhere that Sells this Crap.)
Aria (HerGroupofNobodiesxX)
(Thinker of reasons why Twilight is one of the worst pieces of literature ever. See her for details.)
Joyce (maesaysdance)
(Secretary of Defense...5 feet of pure twilight hatred, better watch out)
Daniela (disco.lemonade.)
(Head of Rehabilitation Council, and Selector and Educator of True Literature to Rabid Fangirls)
Kelsey (Titanic Princess.)
(Head of Vampire/Werewolf Hatred Department)
Carly (
(C.E.O. of Please Get A Life, Inc. and Twilight Is Not That Awesome (TM))
Dylan (Eternal Sunshine)
(Head of the "This is What You Call Literature?" Department and Member of the Insulting Squad)
Mariah (MxAcid)
(ANTI Activist, and Chairman of People who Read REAL Vampire Novels)
Angel (xXShamelessXx)
(Head of the Department of "Whiney Girls + Sparkling Vampires = Complete and total destruction of all great literature)
( Lieutenant Colonel of the Army Against Team Edward/Team Jacob Fangirls)

The Should Be Quote of the Week:

Week Jan. 18
Bella: Why am I covered in feathers?
Edward: Because it makes you look even more delicious.
Bella: Wha-
Edward: *Eats her* NOM NOM NOM

Week Jan. 25
Edward: And so the lion fell in love with the lamb
Bella: What a stupid lamb
Edward: What a delectable, mouth-watering lamb.
Bella: Excuse me?
Edward: I smell nice.

Week Feb. 1
Alice: You don’t get a lot of suicidal vampires.
Bella: But you do get a lot of suicidal readers.
Alice: What was that?
Bella: No idea, it just kinda came out of my mouth. What were you saying?

The Should Be Quote of the Week:
Provided by, MassRomantic19

Please, please do not comment on this journal to tell me how much you think that I'm immature and how much I'm being childish and rude, 'cause frankly I really don't care.
This journal is not for people who dislike it's opinions, it's for the members to enjoy.

I just want to clarify somethings.

This as NOTHING to do with ME not liking the books. I read the books, yeah they were good, in a lot of ways, and not so good in others. I respect Stephine Meyer and her writing.

This journal is JUST a list of the "members" of a "club". That's it. It's nothing more.
I was tired of having the long list on my profile so I moved it here. That's it.

And no I wouldn't care AT ALL if someone made a "club" about something that I like. That's their opinion and as nothing to do with me. Like I said this is for the "members" of a stupid club to see who's in it.

If they're able to express how much they love Edward and write a bunch of stories. When it's already A. BOOK.

Then I can have a journal that has a list of people that are tired of all the Twilight stories and fandom.

And I just want to say that I completely understand where some of you guys are coming from. This whole thing was just a joke "club" that some people thought it was funny. And I mean from the list, it's looks like quite a few people agree. But we can waste our time on something stupid and childish if we so please. I have nothing against people the like Twilight, I am among that group. What I dislike is all the stories that are still being written about the characters of Twilight. That is the reason I join this little "club".

I just want to thank you guys for commenting on this (even though I didn't want comments) in a respectful way. I'm not here to disrespect anyone or to hurt anyone's feelings. And I just want to thank you for not typing really rude comments, or cyber-yelling at me. I understand that there are going to be people that disagree and agree with this journal.

And to those who said to let Twilight die out, I'm not so sure it's going to. Another book is still supposed to come out if it didn't already. It's going to be in Edward's point of view. And we still have the movies to look forward to. So I don't think that this whole Twilight thing is going to die out anytime soon.

Oh and if some of you notice that your comments were deleted, there was nothing personal about it. I was planning on deleting all of them, but didn't get the chance to finish.
One more thing, I didn't make the "job titles", so please don't tell me anything about them.
February 1st, 2009 at 08:34am