About Me

this is the first thing i'm posting. i hate going on and on about myself. it sounds selfish and narcsisstic (is that how you spell it? probably not) i'll tryto keep this simple and meaning-ful... so, I'm Krysta. i have a simple yet complex life, just as many others. i used to be the only one of my friends who didnt have divorced or non-married parents. my parents are separating now. its not like my parents are fuming and hating each other now that this is happening, they just dont love each other the way they used to... if whoever reads this has married parents, if you tell someone your parents are separating, watch peoples faces. no one has any idea what to say when you do that. the whole place goes quiet... i think its actually kinda funny... well, i think im done with this little section about me.. i hope you can learn more later......
February 1st, 2009 at 11:24pm