I Get So ***ing Annoyed With Horror Movies

So, I'm a huge horror movie fan. But they piss me off with their stupidity. Argh! Just thinking about it makes me so annoyed haha. I literally end up screaming at the TV. Why, I hear you ask? Well, some examples...

Sydney is getting chased by the killer. She runs to the front of the house, where there's the front door and the stairs.
Where does she go? Up the bloody stairs! WHY DON'T YOU GO OUT OF THE FRONT DOOR AND RUN FOR HELP, YOU IDIOT!?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre [original]
The girl is running from Leatherface. She screams a lot as she runs outside. She then hides from him and continues screaming, and hopes for him to not find her.
Come ON! We get it, you're scared! But you're gonna die if you keep screaming!

You know, you would've thought the cops in this film understood John Kramer's plans after the first film. But no, they still walk straight into his traps. Literally.

Loads of horror films
a) Falling over when the character is running from the killer. Enough said.
b) Jumping in a car, trying to drive away, and the killer is in the backseat.
c) The car won't start and/or the tyres have been slashed.

Oh god, I can't even think of anymore. I'll always love horror movies. But they're just so predictable!

Does anyone have any good horror movies, that are not cliche and that are not predictable?
Also, does anyone else have any annoyingly agitating movie moments, like the ones above?
Comment and let me know!
February 1st, 2009 at 11:30pm