If you really knew me...

Hey there! So the other day in my life fitness class, we did an exercise to get to know each other better since it's a new semester and it's only the first week. You basically complete the phrase "If you really knew me, then you would know that...". I thought it would be kind of cool to post mine (with some revisions) here on the site.

If you really knew me, then you would know that...

1. My best friend and I have been friends since first grade.
2. My favorite band is Panic at the Disco, and I've seen them in concert three times.
3. I'm really interested in psychology, especially the behavioral stuff.
4. My iPod touch is my life.
5. I prefer male singer's voices over female singing voices.
6. I'm not always good at picking friends. I've been screwed over more than once.
7. YouTube and video production are some of my absolute favorite things. I'll probably end up in a video based career if I decide not to pursue writing.
8. I hate cold weather but prefer cloudy, rainy days to sunny, hot ones.
9. I hate animal drool, especially dog drool. I could never own a huge, slobbery dog.
10. I'm on the Internet more than I should be.
11. My favorite sweet is peanut butter cups.
12. I am nothing like the person I was this time last year.
13. I read Twilight and loved all the books, but I'm not an obsessed fan girl and I hated the movie.
14. I'm an honors student. I intend on keeping it that way. I never want to be in a class where people just don't care that they're getting a free education and are just wasting my time and everyone else's.
15. When I'm angry or I talk to fast, I develop a southern accent.
16. I am NOT a lesbian contrary to popular belief. Just because you have gay friends doesn't mean you are too.
17. The only sports I've played have been soccer and softball.
18. I've never been in love.
19. I'm messy as hell, but completly organized at the same time.
20. I love hoodies, jeans and converse shoes.

Well there it is. In class, we only did ten things but I figured that wouldn't be enough.
I'll probably do another thing like this soon, because I'm going to be stuck at my grandparent's house for a superbowl party. I hate football.

February 1st, 2009 at 11:51pm