My brother and his partner are getting as close to married as they legally can. Exciting? :)

I guess it kinda is. I mean, I'm seriously excited for him and everything. My mum is being a little funny about it in her own way, she thinks they're too young and stuff, and they they can't be that sure yet, but I don't agree.

I mean, Aled has been going out with Casey for almost 6 years now, and I swear I've never seen any people who, like, love each other more. It's amazing that my brother has that and I couldn't be happier that he's actually stopped dicking about and dithering over it and just asked Casey. I think they're perfect for each other.

They're gonna do it on the 21st of this month, cause they don't see a point in waiting forever for it. My dad was all for them doing it on Valentine's day but the faces they pulled the second he said that were, like, priceless. I don't think they were amused, lol. It does seem rather cringey and all that, I'll admit. Anyway, after they've done it all, we're having a sorta party at our house for them, so, it's gonna be good. :)

I guess, yeah, I'm just excited and wanted to share what I guess I consider good news. :)
February 2nd, 2009 at 01:16am