Being Watched...

I am being watched (online). Not by the aliens, not by the goverment, not by some unseen force, not by that mysterious shadow moving behind me... but by YOU. Yes, YOU. YOU watching THIS right NOW. YOU. I repeat: YOU.

I have been surfing my various links and domains around the Interent (Mibba, Bebo, YouTube), and I have come to the conclusion that not just Mibbians are reading journals by me, but other site users are as well. Hell, I have a link to my Mibba account posted on my YouTube profile. I suddenly got messages on my MSN and YouTube from various evolved apes (humans) concerning some of the things they read. I never imagined that Jack would have been looking around my Mibba journals, either. He even made an account. I always planned for this to be my secret blog that only random Mibbians, Jessica and James would know about. And has anyone noticed how all the mentioned names have a "J" as their first letter? That is weird.

I was originally planning for the blog to be secret so that I could strike up the confidence to secretly flame and bash various ***** (C-WORD) that I have met around the Interent. Lying, using litle ***** (S-WORD) whom I would take great pleasure in burying alive, possibly the worst fate possible. I bet they have their noses snooping around this journal like the nosey little ***** (S-WORD) they are.

This is a rant I needed to get off my chest before I end up destroying the entire City of Leeds and all of its inhabitants in all my rage. Yes, my bad moods can make buildings fall down. It was me who caused that British earthquake back in Febuary of 2008 when I ran out of chocolates.

Joshuha Valley

P.S. ANOTHER NAME WITH A "J" AT THE START! Jessica, James, Jack and Joshuha... What the hell?
February 2nd, 2009 at 05:12am