Monday Febuary 2nd 2009

First entry woohoo!!!

Sorry i haven't uploaded anything yet been really busy with work.
I'm over my mams at the moment, she has wireless internet lucky cow, i'll stay here until work this afternoon then go home lol.

Went out drinking Saturday with my supervisor, supposed to have gone to Merthyr, but people from work scared her from going there, so we went to Tredegar instead. I personally think she planned it as Geriant a guy from work suddenly turned up where we was and spent basically all night with us. They then ended up with their tongues down each others throats at the end of the night, it pissed me off a bit since she told me earlier that she wasn't the sort to go with someone behind her boyfriends back. She also left me alone with Lyndon, this sixty something guy who works with us who also just turned up, most of the night.
She's got this week off she haven't seen her since.

I also went to Swansea Saturday during the day to see my friend Cerys, she lives down there now as she goes to Swansea University, i bought some purple shoes to go with my purple dress that i wore in the night. We went to wetherspoons for a couple of drinks before i caught the bus back to Merthyr where my stepfather Keith picked me up and brought me to my mams. I stayed there that night then (after i came back from drinking) and all day Sunday as i normally do for my mams cooked dinner.

Walked out my door this morning at 4:30 to snow everywhere :D. Didn't have to de-ice my car thankfully, it snowed again when i was in work and snowed off and on all day. I drove back to my flat in rhymney and work clothes for to night and drove to my mams where i've been all day, as my mams been ill, shes been sick, having headaches and falling asleep all day.

I will post some of my novel/ fiction series on here soon. bye for now
February 2nd, 2009 at 03:25pm