OH YEAH! More Snow! Best day in ages :D

So...you may or may not have seen on the news that the UK is getting hit with the worst snowfall in over twenty years...

Worst they say? I say best!
I mean fair enough there's only about 4/5 inches but JESUS! we've not had this much snow in forever! And it's lasted ALL DAY!
Okay so school wasn't cancelled, but it was a blast!

Had a free period from half 10, so it was only us 6th years off and a group of us went outside to play in the snow (me, of course, being the only girl) - had a complete tag team war going! And okay, i fell like 3 times...flat out on my back, but i didn't even care.
Then i barely noticed Chemistry cos i was too busy staring out of the window at the blizzard that was quickly blanketing the school and surrounding area.
Then lunch, and another snowball fight (now one of TWO girls out playing) but the Heads stopped us all after a while, glaring and being all "we don't expect prefects to be involved in this"!
I mean for goodness sake...it's a snowball fight! An incredibly safe fight filled with fluffy snow and laughter, can't they just be happy?!

After school, i literally ran home, changed/wrapped up and grabbed my sledge walking round the corner to Twinsie's house (also known as AlyBallyBee) grabbed some food there and had a laugh before heading out into the snow!
We had a snowball fight...then made snow angels..and then came the jump.
I climbed onto the low part of her garage roof and wondered aloud if it would hurt if i were to jump off, Aly said it wouldn't and i wanted to try it, but i'm scared of heights! So she came up, scoffing at me and only when she got up did she realise just how far away the ground looked, but i promised i'd jump if she would.
Very funny actually...culminated of the following phrase being screamed quite a few times: "Don't f**king rush me when i'm trying to jump off a roof!"
We decided soon after that we possibly shouldn't say that so loud, for fear of being called suicidal...so we jumped quietly...and landed in the snow, giggling hysterically!

Then came the turn of Mr. Snowman (a.k.a. our attempt at Alex Gaskarth, complete with grey beanie and six pack =P) and wandering down to the big field down the road to go sledging. Of course we got attacked by the still blizzard-ing snow and Aly's cousin Ben...HE'S A FREAKING TANK! We couldn't push him over, no matter how hard we tried.
All in all we had a fantastic afternoon, the cold and wet was sooooooo worth it, and i don't think i've heard Aly laugh so hard in ages so that cheered me up too. Snow is a great tool for making you forget things and i had a great time.

Aly will probably have the pictures up soon...YAY!

P.s. wherever you are, if you're reading this and are sick of snow (i'm looking at you America) try send some over the Atlantic...it'd be GREATLY appreciated...you really don't know how much of a novelty snow is to us.
We've never even had one snow day. In our entire 11 years at school!

February 2nd, 2009 at 09:10pm