Wtf Is It With Me and My So Called Friends?

So I invited one of my friends to go to the Believers Never Die tour with me, and only her because i invited her to go to Cobra Sassyback with me (for my 16th birthday) and we were all excited up to that week, then my parents took my tickets away and claimed that "they didn't like the venue".

They have always been strict on concerts and basically everything, and not to sound whiny-but I rarely ever get to go anywhere, even to the mall or the movies. So going to this show is huge for me, and my friend knows it.

The day we found out about this show, she told me that we have to go. US, WE, NOT ANY OTHER WAY.

Thursday, she tells me that her best friend who lives in Coppell is turning 16 a couple days before the show, and that she got her birthday present early, $300. She got pit tickets and invited my friend.

So I bought the tickets Friday, and I was very glad to get good seats(again, parents are strict, so no pit), 6 rows behind the pit in the center. I write on her wall on facebook and tell her that we are set. Never got a response. I just thought that she wasn't on the entire weekend, yet, I look tonight and there she is commenting on other peoples pictures and walls.

Here she is, ditching me. I know it, she wanted pit, and trust me, I did too. It's just impossible with my parents. Gah, I know this is long, and ifly if you read it. I dunno what else to do, if she ditches me, I'm screwed, not only will I not be able to go to the show-but my parents will further more shelter me into the house...idk what to do...
February 2nd, 2009 at 09:49pm