Define 'Ville Valo' Shall We?

This was a assignment in my creative writing class, we had to create a fake dictionary entrée and this was mine, we could define a famous person, someone we knew or a character in a book or movie. We could write several definitions' and I wrote two. What do you think? Oh and there were extra points for using humor and metaphors. I had actually written something like this for pure enjoyment about two years ago and posted it on Valo_Daily so all I had to do was clean it up.

This one is my favorite.

"Ville Valo", noun, is a dark ethereal creature. The only existing being the successful vocalist of a Finnish band named "HIM". He is the dragon. Complete with a ring of smoke rising like a halo above his head and eyes of emerald flames. He carries a deadly virus deep within his heart that causes the now well known disease called HIMion. It's symptoms include yelling: singing, HIM concert-going, crying, swooning, and buying of HIM CD's with a large percentage that can experience high levels of sexual frustration that can lead to delusions of being soul mates with Ville Valo. Caution: this virus goes straight to the heart and does not stop. This being, for whatever reason he is here, affects everyone, whether it's in adoration or in repulsion. He is a fierce dragon that will not stop in his continued search for human souls. Note: Not to be confused with Barney the Dinosaur, this is quite different. CopyRight09(Please, don't steal this, or if you want to use it please credit me)

This one was just for extra credit.

"Ville Valo", noun, , Ville meaning 'wild', as in wild tiger and Valo, meaning 'light', as in blinding sunlight. Ville Valo is as modest as he is confusing. You can not take anything he says seriously unless you know for a fact he is not being a cheeky bastard.

February 3rd, 2009 at 02:40am