I know that this is completly horrible to say..

The guy that I liked is no longer in my life like he was before. Sure I see him at school, he's my friend on myspace, and I have his number. Yeah sure he waves and sometimes he talks to me for 3 min during lunch while passing our group at lunch. He cliams that he misses hanging out with me and that "we should hangout real soon". When is soon?
I try to invite him to hangout but he's always busy with Marching band.
Sure I leave him comments but he never replys.

He was important to me because he understude how my family life with my mom wasnt all that great b/c he went through it too. He told me to talk to him anytime. But when I leave him a text telling him that I really needed to talk to him b/c my mom made me cry. He never responded!

I invited him to the movies once but he told me he couldnt go. So I still went. I got to the theater early and I bought my ticket and was waiting for my other friends to show up. There he is with his other friends. Before I could hide myself he spots me and just starts talking like he did nothind wrong.

I told him I liked him and he said that he liked me too but he just got out of a bad realtionship and didnt want to get in a new one. So I understude. Later my friend rosy tells me that josh was getting tired of my asking him out countless times (even though I only asked him twice. 2nd time was a dare.) He told her that he didnt even like me like that.
It didnt hurt that he didnt like me. Because I know I'm not all that pretty. I'm over wieght and where I live guys dont look at girls like me. What hurt was that he lied to me.

Now for my conclusion. I am SO HAPPY that he is not in my life as a friend anymore. He is now more of an aquantience. I never noticed how depressed and stressed out I was when I was friends with him. It sounds mean to say but I'm happy. And I'm actually enjoying my senior year of high school now.
February 3rd, 2009 at 04:46am