I dislike Twilight. Beware: Rant.

I've decided to vent my frustration.

If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all.

I dislike Twilight a lot. A lot. I am not going to use the word Hate. A person with hate in their being is not a good one.
Vampires do not sparkle.
The books and series is filled with patriarchy, the beleif that women are the weaker sex and are nothing without a man in their life.
The books were the worst waste of time I have ever partaken in.
Smeyer, can you please research vampires before you attempt to write a book about them?
Bram Stoker must be rolling in his grave. (He's the author of Dracula, if many of you less-enlightened people are wondering).
The plot is absolute crap. (I cannot think of another word to describe). Filled with cliche after cliche, but of course, cliche's sell books, after all a cliche is a cliche because it is used over and over. Thus, they sell books.
Filled with cliche after cliche, all fo these catering to many insecure teenage girl's needs. Because, after all, they are one of the biggest book markets.
Setting up every girl for dissapointment, Twilight is a terrible "Saga" if you will, which was the worst waste of time, and I would rather scrape anti-fouling paint off the hull of a boat than read it ever again.
And then the writing!

How to make a best-selling book that has no real meaning:
You need: No brain, no writing skills, and the lust for money.
1. Take a good old family favourite with some sex appeal, Vampires.
2. Take away the originality and truth of the old myths, replace with some Hollywood cliches.
3. Add some cardboard cut out characters (All beautiful of course).
4. Have a good dosage of thesaurus rape.
5. Top with some human stupidity and naivete, (to cater to all the trend-followers.)
6. Sprinkle with some more cliches (For good measure).

Thus, Twilight!

Once again, do not have a go at me, this is my opinion, you have yours too. If you don't like the entry, don't read it. Simple.
February 3rd, 2009 at 06:45am