I'm a hormonal mess; nervous breakdowns are just no fun and Finals are driving me insane

Last Tuesday my brother dropped out of college yet again. (He's got psychological problems). That day was my mother's birthday and she was quite affected.

Then, on Wednesday, my grandmother passed away. I had a big breakdown during class. I just cried and cried.. and cried. I couldn't do a thing. Worse part? I didn't actually miss my grandma... I kind of didn't care. Then, I saw my mother all messed up and I lost it.
To top it all... I had a nice long surprise test that day.

I went to my hometown for the funeral. It was all well... but the fact that I'm in the middle of my final exams didn't actually leave me at all. When I came back I found out that the wood worker I hired to build my final exam for wood design dropped it out. Not good for my stress.

Actually, I'll make a list of everything I've got to do:

- A clock in wood and clay
- The second part of my modular chair
- Illustrations for coffee mugs / Cartoons for t-shirts / Illustration that I want, any concept
- 150 photos in digital format for Photography
- 6 printed photos in special paper, one panoramic photograph
- Ergonomic handbag for the transportation of scaled models
- Night table (done with woodworker... hoping for the best) / Exposition
- Study for math
- Eco-friendly industrial design

And people say studying Design is easy -_-
February 3rd, 2009 at 06:52am