Comment? or Not to Comment?- Seriously

I know that we're not supposed to know who are subscribers are so we wont bug them. Thats why it wont tell us who has subscribed and who has not. But sometimes I wished it would because when I go through and check how many people has read my stories VS how many comments I'm getting; it kinda makes me aggitated.

I'll have up to 7 readers all the way through the story, gaining some and loosing some throughout the chapters, but yet only a person or two commenting at all. It confuses me too when I see that I have 3 subscribers out of the 24 total readers and the total 2 commenters.

It makes me think that, while I'm putting in a lot of effot into my stories that some people may actually be laughing at my story without me knowing it. If any of my readers even glance at this journal entry, please.

PLEASE Comment on my stories, I may be writting a piece of junk and be proud of it if none of you step up and tell me what you think.
February 3rd, 2009 at 07:27pm