
I just finished posting 2 chapters, and I am bored. I wanna talk to my girlfriend. I want cheesecake. My day at school was pretty boring. I had a history test.
French was no fun with that bimbo of a teacher, but Sean always makes some funny comment. Oh, he's the gay guy almost everyone loves. Especially the teachers.
Ahhhhh...I'm so bored.
My life is pretty bla. I can't seem to find a good guy who will except me for me. Is there any good guys out there? Or have they already been snagged? It's so dang deppressing. I guess I'll just keep working on my drawings and stories since thats all I seem to do right. I skrew up everything else.
I love my friends. They are the only reason I go to school and try to make something out of myself.
This goes to all of my friends. I love you guys!
xXx Kat
February 5th, 2009 at 12:50am