Numb with Novocaine : New Story For Valentine's Day

This is new story I'm writing. It will be a first time hopefully one-shot sensation. Well I might actually put some chapters with it. But I hope you are willing to read it. It will be okay I guess not sure what to rate it. I was thinking along R or PG-13. Message me or comment me on which rating you think it would be. The contents have some Nudity, Sexual Moments, and Murder. I will have some songs links! Hope they work if they don't tell me please! I would love to fix that so when others read or yourself if you would read it over again. Can enjoy the story. If the music doesn't fit tell me something that would. I would love this story to be as accurate as possible. I love all you mibbians! Your stories give me inspiration! So I've been spending free time trying to write some stories for you. I wish I was as talented as you. Well I'm hoping you guys have (or had) a great day.
Updates once a week maybe later this next 2 months (Feb. - end of Mar.) is a lot of tests and I need to study to bring up my Science and Math grade.

Have a good weekend ☺ ! !
=( ' . ' )=
<( )> weird bunny, penguin, ailen thingy!
- - '
February 5th, 2009 at 02:23am