Change of plan. Spaceships.

Reading over my old Project:Noise songs, and the fact I have awesome ideas now.
Project:Noise is going to be industrial-metal-like, MiND is going to be nu-metal.
No crossover.
Crossover is bad.

Project:Noise is generally going to be lots of synthesisers, one, maybe 2 guitars, and maybe a bass on some tracks.

so spaceships.

Going back to what was orginally said.

1. One Two Four (already written)
2. Why? (Also already written)
3. Split!
4. Fall Away
5. Escape
6. Predictions
7. Seven
8. Addictions
9. Lust
10. The Party Girl
11. First Kiss
12. Intermission
13. Thirteen
14. Prologue

The order might not make sense to anyone, but it makes sense to me, and I'll sorta explain it.

One Two Four, is sorta the track to kick it all off, the name comes from the counting with drum sticks, and the missing three is sorta metaphorical to how the sound is going to be cut away, using turntables to their full effects aswell as sampling.

Why? Is sorta a normal song, being the first full heavy-nu-metal sound on the album, and in-turn, the first heavy song from MiND

Split! Is sorta how the aspects of music fall apart.

Fall Away supports that

Escape is sorta gunna hit on the idea of getting away from mainstream sounds, away from the expected, to find our ground in a way.

Predictions, In my head it's going to be a heavy effects song, featuring samples from the first 5 tracks on this album, showing a lie from the title, or predicting something from past events

Seven, seven, in my head, is going to be a song where the words seem to break away, this whole album is like a MPD or skitzophrenic album lryically, and seven is hopefully going to be about the writer as he (me) falls apart into the sound.

Adddictions, addictions is a song about love, chemical, emotional and physical to many different things.

Lust is song picking up from parts of addictions,

The Party Girl, adds to this love vs lust setting in hese last 4 tracks for this part of the album.

First Kiss, is the final is the lust vs love part of the album,and is a song about leaving past obbsessions and lusts and loves behind, it's also going to be based on my new years eve.

Intemission is where the album suddenly changes, and a heavy sample change takes over.

Thirteen is going back to seven, one two four, and intermission, for a technical and sample nu-metal sound with heavy metal aspects.

Prologue is the song about the future of MiND, and might feature the angel.

Plus whatever I actually wrote down on the song.
Minus the song directions I wrote down.

Set with an unlying theme, that the character has been fucking abducted by aliens.
And is on a fucking spaceship.
Also, I've grown attatched to the alien in my brain.
February 5th, 2009 at 05:04am