Set on a Timeline

OK, so I became a genuine vlogger on YouTube and it remained that way for quite some time, but there came this day when I did a strange, fair-to-acted video called "No Title". Time and time later, I would follow with more weird videos titled "Waiting For YOU" and "Insanity". I won't go into much detail as to all of them I did, but I eventually started to form a timeline of events between each of the strange videos, and now it have ordered all of them. I have decided to make this an official timeline of events. The events in time aren't based on the latest in the timeline was made after the previous one, but they are all filmed on random dates and can be put into an order. The order is on my YouTube channel. I obviously need to answer some questions and put events between some of the videos. It is all about the continuity. Hopefully I won't get any white hairs when I'm fliming a video event based way before the events of one filmed earlier.

My latest filmed video in the timeline is titled "Changing Events" and it is the earliest so far on the timeline of events. Here is the link:

All I am saying here is, that is set earliest in the timeline so far and you may be able to find out yourself if you exaimne closely as to where the others follow and in what order. Or, you could just go to my channel and look at the timeline information, which explains it all anyways:
February 5th, 2009 at 10:52am