Year 9, 2009 – School, oh joy.

Oh, my god school has been horrible. I walked into C Block on the first day and got into trouble by mr. d for wearing my PE uniform. How the hell was I supposed to know if I had PE or not? Like half the school was in their sport uniforms. Ugh. Then in homebase, mrs. seiter, the stupid religious bug, told me I had to change my hair colours. Blah blah BLAH.

I had double music first which, well mr. godfrey keeps bloody talking and talking. I swear, he never shuts up. Then I think we had um … I dunno SOSE and French or something. Well they sure sucked. The SOSE teacher is like … weird. He kept getting people up the front to demonstrate how people got punished or something in the 1800s. ._. Then in French, we had to go over the road to Westmont … some old people’s home which the school bought for more classrooms. It stunk like the fish park in there. :( Haha gotta laugh but, good old ms. cirovic the cow. As soon as she started yelling in her piercing voice about detentions I just burst out laughing. XD Stupid fool. Ughh at least I got to sit next to Brian. Hey it’s Brian. B) <333

Ugh anyway then in assembly mr. d went through all the rules for year 9. We aren’t allowed to wear make-up. Fuck him, who does he think he is? He can’t tell us that we can’t wear make-up. He also said we’re only allowed natural colours in our hair. Of course everyone turned to stare at me with my white purple, blue and green hair. Then he said in his stupid gay voice “oh, not mentioning anyone or anything …” while peering over at me. To hell with the stupid prick. I’m going to stab his eyes out if he says one more thing to me. What happened to Mrs. Woodward? I’d rather her screeching voice than Mr. D. *cries*
Anyway, that was only the first day back. The second and third days were fucking hell. Mum and dad went into the school to abuse the vice principal and mr d, and ended up just making me look like a half-wit. :/

And I didn’t get kicked out. :( Unfortunately. I’m so sick of Catholic; I want to go to High or Huon. :((( CCW can just get screwed. I’m def. going to Melbourne next year, or to high. Then I’ll be able to have whatever colours in my hair and whatever piercings. I can’t bloody wait. Weeee goodbye navy skirts, hello skinny leg jeans. <3333

Kay … well today at 11 I went to Luca to get my purple and green removed. *cries* I like, stormed in and Darna was like “Awww you have to get them out?!” I was like “Grr yes, :( *strokes colour*” I miss it alreadyyyyy. She like, dyed this brown colour over the colours and toned my bleach to white again. Ugh Jonno’s girlfriend (who isn’t going out with Jonno anymore), like had to wash my hair a billion times. She had these long fake nails on; omg she like almost scratched my hair out with them. DDD: Well, she actually did scratch my helix piercing out. -_- But it’s okay she just unhooked the back and it came out; she didn’t like rip my ear or anything. Thank god. She almost ripped out my lobe piercing though. And my tunnel almost fell out. :file: She should be more careful with those man hands. Friggn idiot.
Anyway the colour is okay … I don’t mind it but I miss my purple. :’( And I hate giving the school the satisfaction that I changed it. Fuck. Why couldn’t they just kick me out? I would’ve been a lot happier. :/

NOOOO. At AMCAL you have to be fucking 16 to get piercings without parental supervision. I thought it was 15, but no. Now I’m going to have to wait until next year. :(((((( motherfuckers. I’m going to prolly moose out before I turn 16. *cries* I want it done nowww.

Right … no swearing. Umm wow, I heard My Chem’s new song on the radio yesterday. Gee sounds different. ((: I can’t wait to hear other new stuff. Lol I’m still in love with She’s a Lady by forever the sickest kids. <333 And Hot Summer. Hahahahaa.

I had a really weird dream about ryry last night. :/ We were like at a house in a forest with his non existent little brother and sister. His brother was on one of those child lead things and kept eating everything … and ryry was old )): And his hair was white and he had a beard and the wall collapsed and white fluffy thistles kept falling down and piling up. *cries* Maybe he is too old for me …

Lawl he dreamt about me last night too. Hahahah obviously it contained sexual doings. :file: Males these days cannot control themselves.

Ohh Ryan failed his P’s. ): He seemed pree bummed about it. Omg I was so excited for him. And then … idk. I think it was in math, period 6. He texted me saying he failed. I was like awrrr )’: Haha then when I was walking home in the billion degree heat (worst ever I swear, I almost passed out from my brain overheating), I was complaining to him about tom hayley feeling up my leg in systems and he said something like … tell him to fuck off only I’m allowed to if you let me ;) lol. Then I almost got hit by a car so I put my phone away. -_- ilh <33 oh no he’s going to rip jeremy’s throat out if he tries to kiss me nooo.

::cry: Last night I watched a bee die. It was so sad. Its leg was missing and it couldn’t stay upright. *cries* It sucked because I couldn’t do anything. I named it Penne. Like … you know “Pen”. This journal is dedicated in loving memory of Penne. <33

Cass is coming now we’re going to lounging on high (ew). Hopefully ryry comes outside. ~~ He’s working till 10 but awr I can’t see him then. )): Ugh. Fuck me …
Woo Freeza starts on Monday. :D :D

Righty then. Goodbye. <3
February 6th, 2009 at 06:13am