Heart Breaker 2

Yup. Guess what? They broke up. It hasn't even been three frickin days and they broke up! (If you don't know what I'm talking about then please refer to my last journal.) I was wrong, not even a month. You know what else I was wrong about? She didn't really like him. She only went out with him cuz he's cute. (Which for the record, he is. Very.) But guess what I was right about!! He was only using her!! He was trying to get his ex jelous!!! =OOO
That's low.
Well, I don't know how my friend is though. She was really cranky and not talking to people but she seemed fine, she was joking around like always. I don't like to push people to talk. I let them come to me.
But do you know what? I can't believe how immature 7th graders can be! They teased her! Half of them (I bet) never even had a girlfriend and they teased her for going out with him!! I don't think this is a very good time to be teasing/bullying people. Especially because of the public school bullying laws in Pennsylvania have changed. (So really, bullying is technically against the law now. Which is kinda stupid and kinda sensible at the same time.)
Anyway, just wanted to report back. Geez . . .

Middle school is a lot more complicated than you want it to be.
February 7th, 2009 at 05:58am