The Bitter Life of a Happy Teen

Valentines Day. Two words that make me gag on the inside. This is my journal that I'll be posting at least maybe twice or once a week, depending if I'm in the mood to type. Anyway, back to 'gay' day.

What is so great about Valentines day? It sucks! At school they have these carnations that people can get you that are either, Friendship, Love, or Secret Admirer! Did you see that? SECRET ADMIRER! How stupid is that?! Now let me tell you the reason I hate V-day.

1. Pointless
2. Hurts people if they don't get a pretty flower
3. I'm one of those people

Yes, it's true. Me, myself, and I don't get shit for V-day except a box of chocolates on the counter at my house where I eat my heart out because I'm going to get old and die alone.

Yes, I'm extremely happy...:/

I mean, I'm not over-weight, I'm underweight I think but not anorexic...I actually eat a Big Mac and keep it down my throat. It just confuses me. People say "Oh I love your hair! It's so pretty!" or "Oh my god! I wish I had your eyes they are beautiful!" WELL THEN IF YOU LIKE EM SO MUCH WHY DON'T YOU JUST TAKE A DAMN PICTURE! That way you can stare at them longer and that's when you cue the middle finger.

Only girls compliment me, not guys, no cuz you know why?! My eyes scare them! Yes! They make them scared! People call me Kitty, cuz my eyes are not the normal brown, they aren't grey, they aren't black, no...they are green with YELLOW! A lime green with a lightening streak of yellow in them...they other scary thing is that they change colors! 0.0 Golly gosh!

This is how my life is. I would draw you a nice diagram with stick figures, but...sadly I can't.

Back to V-day.

This is the reason why I'm stuck with no stupid flowers...not even from my friends! Assholes...

I give them shit and I get it right back! Nuttin! Nada! Zero! Zip! No Comprendo! Nothing...

Which is why I'll be on the news one day as the only person in the world to never leave her house...yes, that is my lifetime goal!

I thought guys were supposed to go to the girls I mean come on you guys?! What is wrong with you people! This is why I don't date until I'm 17 or maybe 15 I don't know just not now! It's because guys constantly hurt me!

Ex: One day this cute guy down my street said he liked me...I was wearing dorky glasses then. He continued to act like he liked me for weeks. Then you know what he did?

He called me an ugly little girl who will never ever get married or even date for that matter.

You know what I did?

I went home, locked myself in my room and cried my heart out till I was crying out blood. Yeah. There is the true cure for heart-breaking. So, I never really trusted guys that much which is why ALOT OF THEM ARE JACKASSES! Thank Jebus I have good friends who brought me chocolates. Worst thing was...he was Idk 15 and I was like...9...yeah talk about ripping your heart out and throwing it on the ground, then sticking pins in it till it stops beating. But I'm a 13 year old girl turning fourteen in June this year and still doesnt trust guys.

Yeah, Valentines Day...fucking sucks. Which is why I went to go see Bloody Valentine and even though I pissed in my pants...I still smiled, thinking to myself. 'Now THERE is a good Valentines Day'

--Check in for more Entries on my Real Life--
February 7th, 2009 at 05:24pm