FUCK YES. Ok. So I was looking around, and I found this. It's NOT a joke.

I am SO fucking excited. I just.... GAH!

"In an interview with BBC News, Gerard Way says "Im hoping for something to happen in a very fast way, that feels very natural and that doesnt have a lot of noodling all over it...Thats the goal, to get in there and have this rapid and visceral recording experience." And Gerard does mean FAST: currently the new album is slated for a late 2009 release.

Gerard warns once again that the new album will NOT be The Return of the Black Parade. "Black Parade was three years ago. You change a lot in three years. If I try to write more music like that Id be doing people a disservice. There may be some people thats just what they want but I dont think our fans do." He sums it up pretty well with "We have to make a record that reflects how weve matured."

As for touring? It sounds like My Chem wants to get back on the road. And expediently. "To tour on it almost right away on it would be fun and not kind of drag it out like last time."

YES YES YES!!!!!! who else is happy???!!!

Sorry if this was spamming a little. But I just HAD to say it. HAD to.

xxx jess
February 7th, 2009 at 06:33pm