
If you ever feel like your life isn't very good, have you ever been to the point where you were about to lose it? I have.

Several years ago, I got a new bike for my birthday. It didn't fit me right so, my grandpa had to fix it. I took it without asking if he was done. I was too eager to ride it. A little girl eager to use her new toy. The story of every little girl and boy's life.

So, I took it for a ride one evening without telling anyone. I knew my mom didn't want me to ride it but, I was too excited.

I lived on a hill. The hill happened to be extremely steep. As I went down it I pushed on the brakes as hard as I could. My bike squeeled and wouldn't stop.

The handlebars started to spin and turn. I tried to control them. They keep twisting. The bike flipped me over and I landed on my face. I fell unconscious.

I woke up to the sight of red. My hand went to my face. I felt wetness. The red was blood. I cried for help. I heard a car door slam and footsteps ounding the pavement.

Someone picked me up and flung me over his shoulder. I heard the scraping metal of my bike being picked up.

"Where do you live?" The man asked.

I pointed up the hill. ""

I was immediately rushed up the hill. I fell unconscious leaning against my rescuer.

I woke up in the hospital. My arm was attached to some kind of machine and there was no one in the room. I looked at the machine and realized it was a bag of blood.

The accident caused me to have a loss of blood that would have killed me. If that one stranger wouldn't have picked me up off of the road and brought me home, I would've been dead. Thank you God, for sending an angel.
February 8th, 2009 at 12:14am