Socratic Method

Sometimes, I would LOVE to know how the human mind works. It would explain so much. Like for instance, why do people pick one color out of all the rest that they see and deem it as their favorite? Out of all the colors out there, why is that one you're favorite? I just learned about the Socratic Method in social studies class. It was really interesting. How this guy was put to death (by his democratic government) for speaking his mind. If only he lived... The things he could've done. Socrates was a true genius. (For all of you asking yourselves, "wtf is the socratic method?" Has a kid ever kept asking you "why" and "how" and all that even after you answer them. For example:
kid: why do ducks fly?
you: cuz they do.
kid: why?
you: cuz they have wings.
kid: why do they have wings?
you: TO FLY!
kid: why?
You get the point. And there you have it, the Socratic Method.) Although as we all know, it can get pretty obnoxious and annoying.
February 8th, 2009 at 03:53am