How is that Possible?

As some of you evolved apes (that is not an insult, it's another way of calling you human) may know, I keep my real name hidden when online, though it may not be hard to find my real first name if you have been talking to me for a while and/or have accsess to my other domains (YouTube, Bebo, ect."). Not only did a friend I just got to know 3 days ago know my first name, but he also knew my second name! He knew my full name like the back of his hand! For a start, I NEVER, as far as I know, make it possibly for people to guess my second or full name in general. When a person I recently met knows both my second and first real names, I feel a disturb itch inside my stomach asking how. HOW?!

Okay, so a few of my friends online know my first and second names (and some even know my two middle names), but they don't have any contact with or know my recent friend, and I don't recall them being the type to give out that information.

My recent friend is keeping it a guarded secret as to how they know, leading me to endlessly wonder how. Why keep it a secret? How do they know? Oh, time will tell...

Joshuha Valley (online name, for your information)
February 9th, 2009 at 02:03am