Missing much?

Hi there.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm not dead, but I still haven't sorted out my computer. I
My brother tells me that the mechanical thingamabobs (don't you just love my technical descriptions?) in my computer need to be replaced in order for it to function at an acceptable speed. This will also ensure that it doesn't bomb out on me all the time.

'll be borrowing a friends laptop in order to type and post my stories. This might take a few days though as I've taken on some extra responsibilities at work which is keeping me very busy. I feel so bad for not updating, but hopefully I'll be able to remedy that soon.

Thankfully my readers are the best and most patient and understanding people on earth (am I laying it on too thick?), so I know they'll stick by my while I'm experiencing these technical difficulties.

All jokes aside though thanx for your patience - it's greatly appreciated and I'll try to reward you with updates soon.
February 9th, 2009 at 06:38am