
Whats the big deal?
Everyone at my school is freaking out about who has dates and who is staying home doing nothing. I never saw why people thought it was such a big deal to have a boyfriend or to have a perfect valentines. Especially if you don't even really like each other.

I remember in 5th grade i went to the movies with a huge group of people and i ended up "going with" some random guy that i didn't even like as a person because everyone was making such a big deal about it. Nothing happened but i still find it silly that i would feel the need to do that. Or anyone would feel the need to. I mean if you have a boyfriend, thats great, go out on valentines. But i don't really see the point of this whole holiday in general. How did it come about? Did someone just make it up? But truthfully, i kinda miss the elementary school Valentines day. With those cute cartoon valentines and everyone gave everyone candy and it wasn't a big deal for the same reasons that it is now. It was a blast. :D I am going to have a sleepover with my best friends on valentines, and thats perfectly okay with me. :)
February 10th, 2009 at 01:31am