I confess...

I absolutely love Kings Of Leon.
I swear they are amazing.

My favorite songs:
-Use Somebody.

How I love those songs.

"Were gonna show this town, How to kiss these Stars"
It does not hurt that the guitarist is amazingly hot as well...

He is!
He is just scrumptious, and there is something about the lead singer that has me attracted to him as well. He has such a unique voice. If their music was not so amazing I don't think I would like his voice much. Lol. Its an acquired like. :D

You know I really want to see them.


But on another note...
guess who I am WATCHING in April!
THE KILLERS!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I know its insane.
Im so excited.

My favorite songs from their new album.

-Tidal Wave
-Dustland Fairytale
-Goodnight, Travel Well.
-This Is Your Life

"The sky is full of dreams, but you don't know how to fly"

And there are no seats!
SO im going to push my way forward so I can see them up close!
wish me luck. Im sure there will be plenty of fans who want them as bad as I do.


But yeah, thats the update on my life.

February 10th, 2009 at 01:45am