Getting closer to two years....

I just realized that it's Febuary 10th.

Where did the time go? Wasn't it just Christmas?

My grandfather, one of the people I loved the most, died in late Febuary, 2007.

It will be two years since I saw him, yet I feel like I just saw him yesterday.

Captain, as my cousins and I called our grandfather, was an amazing man. He is my hero. He travelled around the world, had six kids, was in a coma, lost a daughter to leukemia, was a teacher and did so many more wonderful things.

How can he be gone?

Captain loved to spoil us. We live close to his and Gramma's house, so Sarah and I would ride our bikes over there.

Our Gramma is kind of a "health nut" and would go off to the kitchen to find us "a healthy snack."

Captain took that as his cue to break out the chocolate.

I really miss him, he was a great guy.

February 10th, 2009 at 04:13pm