So like, we hear that FOB's gonna be doing a signing.
I wasn't gonna miss THAT, since I missed it the first time.

Me and my friend went to Mall of Asia, after I cut my last class, and got our tickets. You had to buy an album to get a pass, and you can get it signed.

Then we chilled around (this was 3:30pm, the signing was at 6), and shopped and ate, and then we sat in the place where all the lucky people are supposed to wait.

Then a guy comes out and announces stuff, like do's and don'ts. We can't take cameras onstage, and only one item signed per person. We do it in single file.

Then they come out, and lots of screaming and stomach-churning. They pose for a pic and gave messages to the crowd. Then we line up, and before you know it I was going up the stage.

First up was PATRICK. Who is so cute with a little bit of chub and a very angel face.

Isa: *grins as he signs my CD* Hi Patrick. Can I have a hug?
Patrick: Well, I dunno if I can, but... *he stands up from his chair and reach across the table, and we hug, and he smelled like powder and cologne*
Security Dude: Hey, no no, that's not allowed (but we already did it xD)

Then, shamefully, in my nervousness, I mix up Joe and Andy xD

Isa: Hi Joe, hi Andy! *as they sign my stuff*
Joe: *chuckles* Um actually, I'm Joe, he's Andy.
Andy: *grins* Must be the hair, huh? (coz they both had all these facial hair and afro-type heads going on xD)
*hand shakes*

And then there was Pete, who looks to much better in RL than in photos or from afar or on TV. You can seriously make out the crinkles in his smile or the exact color of his eyes. I am not fucking kidding.

Isa: *swoons as he signs my stuff* Hi, Pete. Can I have a hug?
Pete: *a bit surprised but smiles* Sure. *he stands up to hug me, and when we were breaking apart...*
Isa: Can I have a kiss too?
*he laughs and we kinda kiss each other simultaneously. I could feel his stubble xD and he smelled like... paper and soap xD*

And then I had to leave and walk offstage, and I went back to the railing to take a pic of my friend who was coming next. When there's a gap in the line, us along the bars would scream "HEY PETE!" and he would wave.

Random Girl: Pete, how's Bronx?
Pete: *smiles and makes a sleeping motion with his hand*
Isa: Pete, smile for the camera! *I point my celfone cam at him*
*he looks at me and smiles*

It's been a mixed year/month/day, but this just made my tiny forever before midterms come XD
February 12th, 2009 at 02:05pm