18th Party Tomorrow Night [+ VIC FIRES & MORE]

Yeah. So my 18th is next wednesday, but I'm having the thingy tomorrow night.

I feel sick right now and I am HOPING that i don't tomorrow.


Anywho, I watched that.... Australian Appeal last night until about 10pm. They raised a SHIT load of money for the victorian fires. I mean woah.

A few days ago it was only 5million. And then last night it was up to 55million.... and when I went to bed it was 66million dollars.

Does anyone know how much they raised by the end of the night???? That show made me cry almost, but watching Today Tonight made me cry.

I'm such a sap when it comes to disasters.

And my family was in the fires.... I am still yet to hear if everyone got out. And I don't like the sound of how long it's taking....


And an update on the guys I speak to on chat things. I met some nice ones!!! my GAWD. but I still get the ones who wanna wank. Hahaha. -Shakes head-Their dicks aren't even nice. HAHAHAHAHA.

Also.... on a last note.

I think I'm gonna be sick
February 13th, 2009 at 05:42am