Criticism, Criticism, Everyone's a Critic.

And I am quite the cynic,
But it doesn't matter much.

Well, that's not fair to say... not everyone is a critic; they just like to sound smart by putting you down. Yeah, please. I don't care that you've been writing stories since you were five, because I was writing fiction with my mouth as soon as I could speak.

Back to the title. I'm in a touchy mood.
Somebody's a critic, they just don't seem to show themselves at the right times.

For example, I get comments on my poems sometimes, right? (Most) of them are "I like this one" and I'll admit, I'll leave people the same comment if I like their writings, but it doesn't help. Yes, it boosts my self-esteem for a bit, because I crave acceptance. But in the run, what did you like about it?

And sometimes I get those comments that make me think, "Well, why did you even bother commenting, when all you're going to say is, 'it was OK'?" No explanation as to why it was 'OK'? Just 'OK'? Okay, lady. Pretend that your criticism is constructive. But it's not. And you're a pretentious ninny who's been writing since she was three. Which was two years ago.

Ooh, I'm in a crap mode.

The only feedback that's worse than the dreaded "you suck" is the no feedback whatsoever.
I hate it hate it hate it.
When you get so many people reading the dang poem / story, but none of them have the great ball to say, "hey, I like how you..." or, "it was alright, but you could..." or, "wow. You could improve by..." NO. No one seems to want to do that.

Like I've said, I'm guilty of doing this, and I guess a lot of people go bu the rule "If you can't say anything nice...", but I'm very aware that most of my writings are only ideas that I doodle upon to make a picture. So if you can't say anything nice, make a nice gesture by critiquing with detail.
Sorry if I sound like English teacher McSick, but you're on a writing site. At one point, you need to know. And these skills will be needed in life anyway, so what better way to learn than to have a stranger on the inter-webs school you?

That's right. You just got schooled.
Now go away. I'm sick of both Mibba AND Quizilla, of which I haven't been active on since last year.

Bonne nuit,


Misses Infamy.
February 13th, 2009 at 05:47am