Quizilla's Tragic Fate

I am sure that most Mibians of today are aware of the tragic fate that befell the once great Quizilla. To what extent that I loved that site is unexplainable. Quizilla was my life and the heart of my online life (not that I have much of a life away from the computer, if any...). Quizilla was my soul, the place I would go to rant, cry,flirt, type in excessive capital letters, be stalked, be hated, be loved, make friends, make enemies, be an @$$ or a sweetheart, fight in the e-Akatsuki vs. anti.e-Akatsuki warand secretly support both sides, and generally live a majority of my teen life at. I will not go into very much detail as to what I did there, and none of you are learning my MANY account names. There are various reasons for keeping that information confidential, but a few former Quizilians here know.

There came a day when Quizilla gave us a preview of their to-be new layout. I thought that is look nice, but maybe a little too MySpace (ewww!). Then again, I was accepting the planned change easy, thought other Quizilians were flooding the Quizilla update journals with hate messages, spam, rants, moans, ect.. There were a few accepties. Now let's just skip all the small talk and jump right into the update! When it first changed, I wascrying like a baby a little shocked to see the absense of homepages, but Quizilla said that we would have them back within the next few weeks, and the same goes for the journal edit stuff and all that. Time went by, and nothing changed. Here is the conclusion: Quizilla changed the layout for what must be nearly a full year ago now, but they still have not brought homepages back (they still have the message that says they'll be back in a few weeks there, but that message has been there for nearly a year!) and the journal edit stuff still isn't back! You can barely do anything now, and they haven't made an update journal since July 2008 the last time I checked. Basically, the site is DEAD.

I have been depressed by these events because of the many good friends that I lost, but I still have a few left (Jessica, Melissa, ect.) and I made a YouTube account back in April 2008 shortly before the fall of Quizilla (I think), and I became addicted to YouTube. I now visit YouTube every day and do videos and made good friends there, and I have about 93 subscibers and about 165 people friended as I type this. I love it. I get feedback and what not, and I have some admirers there. Back earlier this year, my friend Jessica also made me this Mibba for me to manage and what not, and it really is filling in that pencil-shaped hole in my heart. <3

P.S. Sorry for this journal being grammatically messy, but I am tired and keep needing to blow my nose on your shirt.
February 14th, 2009 at 03:55am