Locker Rooms.

Possibly the worst place for a high school girl on the planet.

Athletic locker rooms.

Seriously, I was in there today after a pretty tough workout, and this chick next to me gets dressed and I notice she is wearing a thong.

If you find this inappropriate, then stop reading. This is a rant from me to anyone who cares.

So, this is what was going through my head.

"UGH! What the hell!? Why would you want to wear that in ATHLETICS, of all places? I don't want your dang sweaty butt-cheeks in my face, you crap head. That's freaking gross."

So she puts on a pair of bluejeans. WHY THE HECK would she even need to wear a thong with freaking BLUE JEANS?! You aren't hiding any panty lines, you are just being really nasty and weird and gross.

So, for future reference, nobody wants your exposed butt all up in their faces, so say no. Just, say no.


The same chick, about a week before was in my group.

One of my good friends was like

"Sorry guys, I have to pick a wedgie. This underwear gets on my nerves." We all kinda laughed.

So the girl goes,

"OMG I know! My underwear is bothering me too! THis is the first time I've worn underwear in like, 3 weeks, though." My eyes freaking exploded.

"What?" I said

She goes "HUh?"


So ya, I just thought I would share some of my disgust with the noble members of Mibba.

February 14th, 2009 at 10:07am