in secret places we don't fight fare

okay i went to the movies on friday but before that my friend alexis and i where all hanging out in my mom's car.and alexis told me that rachel(vanessa's whore friend)tried kissing her.MY alexis she tried kissing/takeing alexis from me.this bitch just doesn't quit!i fucking swear!if alexis didn't tell me to keep this hush hush i would tell vanessa i would tell everyone because well i hate rachel and i just wish she would GO AWAY.i'm gonna tell vanessa i don't care what alexis says i'll show vanessa just how wonderful rachel is!i know it's horrible but i don't care she's the fucking reason my life sucks!then me alexis where talking some more and she asked me if i would want to get back together with my ex-boyfriend chris i said no and asked alexis why.she said"because he said he really misses being with you/going out with you"i just laughed i don't really care to tell you the truth i gave him a chance and well he was one shitty boyfriend.i always have the worst luck with those man-whores that i call my exs.then after that alexis and i went to watch spiderman 3 it was pretty good i wasn't as good as the last two spiderman was good and all but well i don't know it felt rushed/to stuffed with to many things.but peter parker was sure easy on the eyes in this one he was really hot.
May 8th, 2007 at 03:26am