WARNING! Well, not really...

I want everyone to know (or anyone who just comes onto my profile) that if my stories take a while to get updated, then its because I'm getting all of my thoughts together or I'm having writer's block (my status of course). Well anyways, I hope everyone enjoys my stories and poems and I HOPE that people will comment and subscribe onto them. P.S.- If my stories lack something, then please comment, argue and give me some criticism and some advice because I want to be the best possible writer I can or will ever be. Another thing is that if these stories don't get updated by April, then STOP WAITING! But please, check my profile every time you log onto your account because I might have some little changes here and there. Thanks! Thank you all for the support and well-being of patience and gratitude and all that good stuff. Thanks!!!
February 16th, 2009 at 12:55am