Letting go

I'm here for you.
Trust me.
I love you.

All a dream, inside my head. It's like I'm not important to him, as if I were invisible, insignificant.
The way he walks about, not even giving me a glance, how he chooses other girls over me.
I'm a nobody to him, nonexistent and insignificant.
The way he likes to give more attention to others, and not to me.
Is it a way for me to get the idea he isn't interested and that he never will? Does he know I like him? Does he even like me as a friend? Does he hate me?
All of this thoughts and questions run through my head all day long, making me unable to concentrate in exams and tests. Not even letting me talk without doubting something about myself, physically and in my attitude towards him and others around us.
Should I let him go? Was he even ever mine?
February 16th, 2009 at 02:22am