2-15-09: Miss Him (more than he may know)

So last year my friend graduated from high school and then left for the army. Then on Thursday the 12th, we were talking on facebook and he amitted that he liked me and was afraid to tell me. He is coming back next month and i cant wait to see him, but i dont know if he ws playing me or if was telling the truth. But i really miss him and i have liked him since last year. And all i remember from Thursday night was that i was crying and so much was said that i was glad that was. I remember so much from when we started to hang out. I remember how i use to think he hated me and he told me he never hated me. I was happy at that, that i talked to him everyday afterwards.

But i just want him to be careful and i want him to come back home for good-not for 15 days. I just wish i could see him.

Thanks for listening to me rant again...lol
February 16th, 2009 at 04:19am