I met Frank. :D

Okay, so, I'm mainly writing this so that I can remember every detail of it, but you're welcome to read if you like.

We got to the Loserkids store at about 2:30 and there was a long-ish line of people there waiting. After waiting for about 45 minutes, me and Zoe were in-line in front of the store and we could see Frank and we were freaking out. So we spent the rest of the waiting time staring at him and being like, "Oh my goodness, I can't believe that's actually Frank. In person." It was incredible. And then finally we were allowed into the store, because they were letting people in groups, and we were last in our group. So we watched everyone in front of us meet him and get stuff signed. And this one girl that was on crutches wanted to picture so Frank went to stand next to him and he did look a bit short. :] Haha. Then the girls in front of us went and I knew we were going to meet him soon. When the last girl in their little group left, we walked up to the little table-ish thing and said, "Hi." And he smiled and said, "Hi, I'm Frank." I said, "I'm Stephanie." and I shook his hand and I nearly died when I touched him. His tattoos look amazing in person. And then he turned to Zoe and she said, "I'm Zoe," and she shook his hand. So then I handed him my Black Parade CD and he asked, "Is that with a 'ph' or an 'f'?" And I said, "'Ph.'" Then he asked, "With an 'ie' at the end?" and I said, "Yeah." He wrote, "Stephanie keep the faith xo Frank" except with his signature, of course. Then he signed Zoe's poster and she said, "There's no y at the end." And he said, "Okay." And he wrote, "Zoe believe in yourself xo Frank."

When he was done signing I thanked him and then asked for a picture. He said, "Of course." We walked around the table-ish thing, stood next to him, and he put his arms around us. I put my arm around him and then my mom took a picture, which took her soo long. Then she's like, "Wait, one more!" And Frank chuckles and says, "Okay!" And this time it takes her even longerr to take the picture and when she finally takes it, we let go and I say, "Thank you soo much!" And he says, "Thank you very much." And then we left...
It was very hard for me not to run screaming out of the store but I didn't want to because we were the last ones and Frank would've seen us and think we're freaks. Haha.

So yeah, it was a pretty incredible day! I still can't believe that I met him, it's completely surreal.

Me and Frank. :DDD

The CD.
February 16th, 2009 at 06:57am