hey guys,
Firstly sorry for not updating my stories in literally forever. My laptop broke a few weeks ago and I lost every single document, picture, video, song - everything. So for obvious reasons i've been really annoyed and upset; I had lots of updates ready for my original slash on it. /:
But, I promise I will update both stories as soon as I get my new laptop. I have a few ideas for new stories, also. Until then I'll be doing everything on my ipod LOL.
Just out of interest, is there any stories about Paul Griffiths on here ? I'm doubting it as he's just clothing company onwer, but I'd love to read a story starring him. Maybe I should do my own ? ;D
And, if anyone has an original gay slash they'd like me to read - or any different story yo think I'd enjoy - tell me about it ! I love reading original slash. (:
Thanks everyone (: x
P.S. Sorry for any spelling/punctuation mistakes. My ipod is weird !
February 16th, 2009 at 02:14pm