After Valentines Day...

Valentines Day was actually pretty good. I went to work at 10am, when I got there, there was a note from Logan (my bestest friends at work) saying
“Smile! Happy Valentines Day! Love you all, Love Logan”
It was so sweet and thoughtful of her. But then everyone I work with was like
“I hate Valentines Day; it’s just a hallmark holiday”.
I was like “shut up everyone”. So that was a downer. But then Matt Jelly came and gave everyone a flower! (He’s so sweet.)
So it was all good till I found out I had to work till 8pm not 6pm because the lady that makes the schedule SCREWED UP! So then I came home and went to bed…

And on Sunday I went and saw Confessions of a Shopaholic. A very funny, sweet, enjoyable movie. Go see it

February 16th, 2009 at 05:02pm