Please...just kill me now...

This weekend really, really sucked, it was one of the worst I’ve ever had… I went up to my dad’s, and when he picked me up, he was with his ex-girlfriend…I fell asleep for a while, and when I woke up, I went into a gas station, came out, and then my dad was like, “Kirst, why don’t go into the grocery store?” Meaning, “I think you’re an idiot and won’t realize that this means that I want to yell at Anja.” Yeah, the grocery store in that town is the size of a freaking gas station, everyone thought I was shoplifting; I was being followed by people who didn’t even work there! All these old farmers were glaring at me, it was so awkward!
Then my dad came into the store followed by Anja. Then he pointed to Anja and was like, “You, come outside!” And then he sent me into the truck while he yelled at her in front of the grocery store and everyone walked by me and looked at me like, “Oh, you’re the kid whose parents fight, nice.” Extremely awkward!
Once he finally stopped yelling at her they got into the truck and all was silent for about ten minutes. Then my dad started laughing and then went on to yell at Anja some more, with me in the backseat close to tears! Then he kept saying that it was her fault and she was making it all bad and tense for me, when it was his fault! Also, it was a blizzard and the roads were bad and he wasn’t paying attention to his driving, I really thought that we were gonna die, I was praying more than I have in a long time.
He took the long way to Anja’s and we didn’t get there till about 7:30, (he’d picked me up at 5:30) and then said, “Kirst, why don’t you go give the horses some sweet feed?” While he went in the house and yelled some more. So I went up to the barn and just started crying, I hate when people fight, I had to listen to my parents fight for a few years, it was horrible.
Once I stopped crying I got grain for the ponies and fed them, and I hung out with them for a while, even though it was freezing.
Once I got too cold I went into the house and sat on the couch for an hour while he yelled at her some more out on the deck. When I couldn’t take it anymore I went outside, grabbed my Ipod and had it on so loud it hurt my ears, but I was determined to drown him out. That’s how it went for another hour.
Then he came inside and said, “Go start the truck, I’ll be out there in five minutes.” So I took my dog and started the truck. Guess who didn’t come out in five minutes? My dad, big surprise.
Then I lost it and I started crying again because he was being so cruel and unfair to Anja, and I can’t understand how he can do this to me, I hadn’t seen him in over a month and this is how I spent my Friday night. I started kicking the glove compartment I was so mad and upset.
Two hours later he finally came out. And that was just Friday night; I still had two more days with him.
Saturday I figured he’d be over his little snit and we could go for a ride. Yeah, I was wrong. We get out to the ponies and he goes, “Go take Socks for a ride, I’ll catch up.” Which really means, “I want to yell some more so get out of here.”
I took Socks down the road and after about an hour, I was headed home when a green car pulled onto the road. It was Anja. She got out, asked how Socks was and then started saying how it wasn’t fair that I was always caught in between their fights and she can’t understand why they can’t get along. Then she started crying, I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t know if I should hug her, say nothing or what. It was extremely awkward. Then she left and I rode home.
Once I got home, my dad made me take Socks for another ride while he yelled at Anja on the phone. I was gone for about two hours and I could hear him yelling the whole time. And I didn’t stay near the house either.
When I got back, he made me go catch Pawnee and saddle him up for a ride. And then Anja came home and I had to go for another ride while my dad yelled at Anja. Don’t get me wrong, I love my ponies but I don’t like riding alone, I had a bad accident while I was alone once, it freaks me out now.
Amazingly, once I came back from my ride with Pawnee we left, after he was rude and cold to Anja the entire time I was putting Pawnee away.
Then there was Sunday, Anja and I were going to a Poker Rally with the ponies and he was rude to her up until we left, and once we got back, he started yelling at her, again…Big surprise. Then we had to leave to bring me home. In short, this weekend SUCKED! It’s enough to make me never want to go up there again, it was horrible, I hated it. I haven’t cried that much in a long time.
May 8th, 2007 at 05:43am