
Feeling: Hungry
Currently Listening To: Aru ga Mama - Anamu & Maki

It's horrible. Recently, I had a panic attack at school. It was scary. I was shaking a lot and felt, well, panicked. I'm glad my friend took me to the nurse's office and stuck with me until the nurse told her to go back to class. She even carried my stuff (including my heavy backpack ^ ^") She's a true friend; I couldn't thank her enough. I went to the doctor and they told me panic attacks are normal for teenagers. I should just find time to relax and calm myself down whenever I feel one coming on. Surprisingly, after playing DDR, I feel so much better :3 I also draw, write, watch anime, read manga, and think calm thoughts.

I'm much better now if anyone's concerned. I've been really lazy with mibba lately. I have a lot to update. I hope you aren't angry with me for not updating in a while T__T"


My self portrait, done on paint. I messed up a lot ;__;
February 17th, 2009 at 10:34pm